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Women You Need to Know in Martech: Nadjya Ghausi

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Please help us to congratulate Nadjya Ghausi!


Please take a moment to celebrate Nadjya!

By sharing her accomplishment, you're not only amplifying the collective voice of brilliant, deserving women — you are also reinforcing your support for women, in all workplaces and all industries, around the world.

Women in Martech

To kick off our Women in Martech Series, and to be considered one of 50 Women You Need to Know in Martech - 2018, we asked women to provide their thoughts in three areas: Career, Martech in Practice and Women in Martech.

Women in Martech is a weekly series, beginning in January 2018, based on the thoughts, advice and opinions of real women about marketing and marketing technology.

What keeps you motivated in your day-to-day role?

Every day is a new challenge in marketing — You’re always moving the dial between thinking about execution today versus what you need to be planning short-term versus developing and executing a long-term strategy.

Whether it’s your brand, product positioning, demand generation, website, technologies or integration across channels — It’s a balancing act. There will always be urgency to get things done now, but it’s the long-term strategic view that truly creates a change in brand value.

Describe the biggest challenge that will need to be overcome in the next 5 years in marketing.

The dynamic between sales and marketing has to move from a partnership -in-practice to a partnership-in-process using technologies that align the “who” and “how” for prospects and targets. This will augment, but not replace, the fundamental interaction between teams.

Finding visually interactive and immersive experiences to engage prospects and customers will be more important than ever.

What can we do to encourage more women to pursue a career in martech?

Martech is one of the building blocks to the CMO role and beyond. While better known for the technical and quantitative side, there’s always the narrative behind the numbers.

As leaders, we need to encourage women on our marketing teams to take on martech roles that emphasize curiosity and creativity. This will help to round out their marketing skillsets and set them up for career growth and progression.

Other challenges

Today’s marketing landscape is more competitive than ever. Prospects are inundated with more information and content than ever before, and attention is becoming more difficult to capture.

If sales and marketing departments hope to cut through the noise and succeed in this loud and crowded world of selling, it’s not just about talking to the right people at the right time. It’s about talking to them in the right way.

My three basic rules for keeping communications clear and prospects engaged are to:

  • be conversational,
  • tell a story, and
  • put your customer at the center of everything you do
women in martech

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